About us


Drunk bartender is a bot that was created in August of 2019,

We are a part of an independent group of developers who have been working on this for the longest time with the same original team as in the beginning We have some commands and recently moved over to Slash Commands to follow Discord Requirements to continue operating and work with most other bots that follow it, and we are currently working on moving into Discord.js v14

We can also be reached at anytime and we we have always worked hard on providing premium support to anyone who reaches out to us as that is the most important to us as your time is valuable so we do our best to make your experience the best so you can have more enjoyment with your time with us that is what keeps us going with this project and will always work our hardest to bring you the best new features we can and bring more fun commands

And we are always open to hearing suggestions from the community about new features and love to hear your feedback on things we are glad that you have decided to spend some time with us as that is really important to us and if you want you also get to know us as most of our dms are open and are always ready to answer any questions


Our Council

The council has been around since the begining of the bot sure we have had new council member join us and leave but some of us have been here since the start.



Hi, I'm Mystic! I love to get to know people and I am excited to have you join us!




Hi there wonderful to have you here looking into the website and hopefully using the bot I have been here for quite a while I have been part of the development team of this project since 2019 been a lot of fun and hopefully we can bring you joy



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